


On 12 March 2024, a hybrid workshop was organised, linking the University of Grenoble-Alpes, France, and the University of Tsukuba.

Research presentations on gender themes were given by each university, and future joint research was discussed.

The DDPI project is organising a series of seminars on policy solutions to inequality and disparity, and the potential of digital technology for this purpose (digital democracy).

In this 25th edition, we will hear from Professor Hiroshi Hirano of the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University, on the topic of “Citizens’ ‘Theory of Justice’: The Modern Japanese View of Equality and Its Political Theoretical Implications”. Professor Hirano has long studied voters’ behaviour towards politics, including their voting behaviour in elections and their support for political parties. More recently, he has focused on what ‘justice’ means in society, how people interpret this concept and how this understanding influences political behaviour. The seminar will show how we have analysed the changing nature of Japanese society and voting behaviour. We will also discuss what ‘justice’ means and how the concept of ‘justice’ in contemporary society affects our daily lives and political behaviour.

All interested parties are welcome to attend.

25th DDPI Seminar ‘Citizens’ Theories of Justice: contemporary Japanese views of equality and their political theoretical implications’.
date and time Thursday, 28 March 2024, 13:30-15:00.
Location Online
Presenter Hiroshi Hirano (Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University)
Fee Free
How to apply If you wish to participate, please register via the link below or the QR code on the poster.


Contact details DDPI@japan.tsukuba.ac.jp

The DDPI project is organising a seminar series on policy solutions to disparities and inequalities, and the potential of digital technologies for this purpose (digital democracy).

This 24th seminar, entitled ‘Political Opportunity Structures and the Diversity of Advocacy Coalitions: An International Comparative Study of Climate Change Policy Networks’, will be held by Professor Keiichi Sato, Lecturer at the Graduate School of Sociology, Hitotsubashi University. Professor Sato’s research focuses on identifying the structure of policy networks in different countries and how they influence policy formation, particularly through international comparisons in climate change policy. At the seminar, Dr Sato will share her previous research findings and insights into the diversity of political opportunity structures and advocacy coalitions in climate change policy formation.

All interested parties are welcome to attend.

24th DDPI Seminar ‘Political opportunity structures and the diversity of advocacy coalitions: an international comparative study of climate change policy networks’
Date and time of the event Friday, 1 March 2024, 14:00-15:30.
Place of the event online
Presenter Keiichi Sato (Lecturer, Graduate School of Sociology, Hitotsubashi University)
Participation fees Free
How to apply

no longer being accepted

Contact details DDPI@japan.tsukuba.ac.jp

The University of Tsukuba’s Humanities and Social Sciences Department has established a research group at the end of 2023 to promote security studies that serve the goal of realising a sustainable society. From now on, the group will pursue research from interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary perspectives, including area studies, political science, international relations, sociology, law, linguistics and cultural anthropology, to explore the nature of security in contemporary society from theoretical, empirical and practical perspectives. For the first seminar, Tomohiko Taniguchi, a specially appointed professor at the University and a foreign policy speechwriter for the Prime Minister, will be invited as a lecturer to discuss Japan’s diplomacy and security.

This seminar is co-organised with the project “Formation of a Research Centre for Empirical Social Science Towards Policy Solutions to Disparities and Inequalities”, which was adopted in FY2021 by the Pre-Strategic Initiative.

All interested parties are welcome to attend.

“Strategic Communication from an International Perspective – Japan’s Diplomacy and Security in the Future”
Date and time of the event Tuesday, 27 February 2024, 10:30- 12:00.

Mr Tomohiko Taniguchi (Specially Appointed Professor, Tsukuba University)


Held online

Participation fees



no longer being accepted

We are pleased to announce that we have received a research grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as part of the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (General)) “An Empirical Study of Policy Views on Equality in Contemporary Japan: Interaction between Citizens and Elites” (Research Project No. 22H00046, PI: Professor Yoshihiko Takenaka, University of Tsukuba). This survey is part of the “Municipal Councilor Questionnaire on Policy and Social Consciousness” (Research Project No. 22H00046).
The purpose of this survey is to find out what councilors think about equality and fairness and how these are reflected in their policies, as the correction of disparities and inequalities has become an important social and political issue.
The survey is conducted by Japan Research Center, Inc., an organization specializing in public opinion and statistical surveys. All responses will be quantified and statistically processed, so we will never release your name in connection with the content of your answers.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

≪Survey implementation consignee≫ Japan Research Center, Inc.
Japan Research Center Inc.
4-26-5, Koto-bashi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0022, Japan
Inquiries regarding survey implementation
Toll-free number: 0120-994-768 (weekdays from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00)

≪Survey Planning≫.
Contemporary Japanese Society and Policy Research Group
Research Director: Yoshihiko Takenaka, Professor, University of Tsukuba
Research Director: Prof. Hidehiro Yamamoto, University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan
E-mail: pai_tsukuba@japan.tsukuba.ac.jp

The Office of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Promotion will hold an academic research poster contest for graduate students and young staff members who are (or have been) involved in a wide range of fields, providing them with an opportunity to improve their studies. Participating works will be open to the public, and awards will be given after judging. We look forward to receiving many submissions.

1.Application period
From Friday, November 10, 2023 to Friday, December 15, 2023

2. Application format
Poster size should be A0 size (vertically).
Please convert your poster to a PDF file and upload it to the Google Form below by the deadline.
 Please note that this does not have to be your first publication. Re-publication of your paper at other conferences is also welcome. 3.

3. Details
Posters will be displayed at the entrance on the 2nd floor of the Humanities and Social Sciences Building.
An online poster session will be held and participants will vote on their posters.
Voting will be conducted on the Internet and on the actual exhibition.
Based on the results of the voting, the staff of the Research Promotion Office will confer a certificate and a supplementary prize to the best applicant in March 2024. 4.

Eligibility (students on leave of absence or studying abroad are also welcome to apply)
Graduate students (master’s students are also welcome) who belong to or have belonged to the Humanities and Social Sciences Research County.
Young faculty members and researchers who belong to or have belonged to the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Group.
Due to the limited number of poster display areas, the number of participants will be limited to about 20.

5. For inquiries, please contact
Humanities and Social Sciences URA Wang Cheng Lan


[The 21st DDPI Seminar “Community and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Natural Resources: Thinking in terms of Commons and Ownership Theory” by Prof. Makoto Inoue (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University) is now available.


On November 5, Associate Professor Hidehiro Yamamoto gave a lecture titled “Japan’s Democracy under the Digital and Green Transformation” at the Korean Association for Critical Sociology Conference in Seoul, Korea. Associate Professor Hidehiro Yamamoto gave a lecture titled “Japan’s Democracy under the Digital and Green Transformation. He discussed the progress of digital and green transformation in Japan and the interrelationship between the state and social relations.

The International Association of Universities General Assembly was held in Dublin, Ireland, October 25-28, and Prof. Norio Kaiogo gave a lecture. The title was “Digital Transformation: Tsukuba SDGs and Innovation on Social Media,” and he discussed how to bridge the results of academic research to the society, taking up a project conducted in collaboration with Tsukuba City as an example. The project is being carried out in collaboration with Tsukuba City as an example.

A video of the seminar “Employment reforms and social inequality in Japan: the institutional inertia of industrial citizenship” by Professor Imai of Sophia University on September 5 is now available.

Please click on the link below to watch the video.


*Please refrain from secondary use of this video.
*The video will only be available for a limited period of time (one month after release).